When viewing your vehicle details, you may see this icon next to your odometer miles. This is the app's way of asking you to check the odometer reading in the app to ensure it is equal to your actual mileage.
Editing the Odometer Reading
Editing the Odometer Reading
To edit the odometer number in the app, tap the [β’β’β’] and tap Vehicle Details.
Tap Edit in the top right corner of the Vehicle Details card.
Tap the Odometer field and enter your current odometer reading.
Tap Save in the top right.
How does my vehicle report mileage?
How does my vehicle report mileage?
Some vehicles send your vehicle's odometer reading to Bouncie through the OBD2 port and that is displayed in the app.
Some vehicles send a distance traveled measurement to Bouncie and we use this measurement to calculate to odometer reading listed in the app.
Bouncie's GPS capabilities can also calculate the distance traveled and update the number in the app.
Because we are unsure how your vehicle reports odometer readings, we recommend occasionally manually entering the vehicle's odometer reading in the app to ensure the most accurate calculation possible.