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Bouncie on the Web

View vehicle data in any supported web browser such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.

Anthony avatar
Written by Anthony
Updated over 2 weeks ago

There are two ways you can view the data collected by the Bouncie device. The most common way is using the Bouncie app downloaded to a smart device. You can also view vehicle data from a browser on a computer or smart device. Expand the sections below to learn more about Bouncie on the web.

Vehicle Listing

When viewing data in a browser, your vehicles will be listed on the left. You can simply click on the vehicle to see where it is on the map. When you click on a vehicle, you will also see data about that vehicle slide out from the left. At the top, you'll see tabs for Trips, Stats, Notifications, and Details.

There is a circle on the upper left of each vehicle icon. The circle will be gray if the vehicle is parked and not in motion. The circle will be green if the vehicle is in motion. Also, if the vehicle is actively being driven, you can click on the vehicle and the most recent trip will show as Driving in Progress.


Once you have selected a vehicle from the left, you can view the trips that vehicle has driven. Most recent trips will be at the top. Clicking on the month will collapse the trips for that month, which gives you control of viewing any given trip that was taken in any given month. Clicking on the date will show you all the trips taken on that day.

If you click on one of the trips, the map will change to show you the route taken during the trip. You can use the [+] and [-] icons in the bottom right to zoom in and out of the map. You can also see the map full screen by clicking on the border icon above the person icon in the bottom right.

In the upper middle of the map, you will see a toggle between viewing the route based on Speed Limits or Speed Bands.

  • Speed Limits - Allows you to see the sections of the route where the vehicle was traveling over or under the posted speed limit.

  • Speed Bands - Allows you to see the route as a color-coded indication of what speed the vehicle was traveling.

Trip Details

In the bottom left of the map, you'll see a tab for Trip Details. Clicking that tab allows you to view the Details and Events that occurred during the trip, and gives you the option of printing, tagging, or deleting the trip.

  • Details - Gives you data about the Drive, Speed, Fuel, and Habits that occurred during the trip.

  • Events - Provides data about the start and end of the trip.

  • Ellipsis in the right corner of the Trip Details [•••] - Provides options for a Print View, tagging the trip, and deleting the trip.


Once you have selected a vehicle from the left, you can click on Stats at the top. This provides you with a 30-day snapshot of the Driving, Fuel, Speed, and Habits for that particular vehicle. If you would like to adjust the timeframe of the snapshot, click on the Filter button at the top of the Stats view.

  • Driving - Provides a total and an average number for distance, travel time, and idle time for the vehicle.

  • Fuel - Allows you to view the total and average of fuel used during the selected timeframe, as well as the fuel economy data.

  • Speed - Gives you the average moving speed and average overall speed that the vehicle has traveled during the selected timeframe.

  • Habits - Provides a total and average number of rapid acceleration events and hard braking events.


You can view all of your vehicle notifications by clicking on the bell icon in the upper right of the webpage, next to your profile. You can clear the notifications individually by clicking on the [•••] next to the notification, or you can click on the [•••] next to Notification History to mark all of them as read, or click edit to clear multiple notifications.

Once you have selected a vehicle from the left, you can click on Notifications at the top, where you will see all the notifications that Bouncie has sent you about that particular vehicle. You can click on any one notification to clear it, or you can click the [•••] to the left of Notifications clear all the notifications. From the [•••] you can also edit your notifications and adjust the settings.

  • Edit - Allows you to pick which notifications to clear and which ones to keep.

  • Settings - Takes you to the notifications area where you can add, adjust, or remove any notification that is currently set for the vehicle.


Once you have selected a vehicle from the left, you can click on Details at the top to see summaries for current fuel, engine, and battery level output, as well as a daily summary, vehicle summary, and insurance summary. You can also share the vehicle with others and delete the vehicle under the Details section.

  • Daily Summary - Gives you a snapshot of the vehicle's driving data for the current day including current location, distance driven, duration of drives, vehicle idle time, and the max speed driven that day.

  • Vehicle Summary - Provides the nickname of the vehicle and vehicle specific information related to vehicle type, odometer reading, license plate, VIN, engine, and body style. Also provides the IMEI number of the Bouncie device that is installed in the vehicle. You can click on Edit above the summary to make changes to the vehicle's nickname, odometer reading, and license plate number.

  • Insurance Summary - Shows insurance information for the vehicle (if the insurance information has been added). Click on Edit above the insurance summary to make changes.

  • Add User button - Allows you to share the vehicle's data with another user.

  • Delete Vehicle button - Will delete the vehicle from your Bounice account login. This is not reversible.

Add Vehicle

If you have purchased more than one Bouncie device, you can add the vehicle to your Bouncie account by clicking on the + Add Vehicle button at the bottom of the Vehicle Listing. You'll be prompted to enter the vehicle's 17-character VIN. Once that is entered, the website will guide you through the rest of the process.

Sharing Vehicles

To share a vehicle with others from the browser version of Bouncie, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the vehicle from the Vehicle Listing to the left.

  2. Click on Details at the top and scroll down to the Add User button.

  3. Enter the email address of the person you want to share the vehicle with and adjust the alert and permissions before sending the invitation.

Important note: For the vehicle to be shared properly, the user must create their account using the email address where the invitation was sent.

Exporting Trip Data

Click on the button below for a step-by-step guide to exporting vehicle data.

Account Management

Clicking on the three lines in the upper left corner will provide you with a drop down menu that includes your account information. Click on Account from the drop down. Your account profile is divided into four sections.

  • Profile - Your name, email, password, and address is listed under the Profile section. You can make edits to any of these items by clicking on the Edit or Change links beside the item.

  • Payment - The number of active subscriptions you have, the next recurring payment date, and your payment information are listed in the Payment section. If you need to change or update your payment method, click on Replace Card.

  • Devices - The devices associated with your account will be listed under Devices. You can add a new device from this page and the process is the same as clicking the + Add Vehicle button from the Vehicle Listing on the home page. If you need to cancel the subscription for any listed device, click on Cancel.

  • Payment History - Shows your most recent subscription payments along with the date the payment was made, and the ability to view the receipt of the payment. Monthly statements or invoices are not available.

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