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Introducing Bouncie to Your Teenage Driver
Introducing Bouncie to Your Teenage Driver

Teens want freedom, parents want safety.

Anthony avatar
Written by Anthony
Updated over 10 months ago

As a parent, you are constantly looking for that balance between protecting your kids and giving them room to handle the responsibilities of driving on their own. You’re looking for peace of mind without coming across as paranoid and controlling.

Teenagers, by nature, can be a suspicious bunch. They can view any monitoring or tracking as a lack of trust and an intrusion of their privacy. It’s important that you establish an open line of communication early on about the importance of safety and the expectations that come with the responsibilities of driving.

Get to know Bouncie before Introducing it to your Teen Driver

A little preparation goes a long way. You should install Bouncie in your own vehicle and use it for a week or two before talking with your teenager about monitoring their driving. By getting comfortable with the smartphone app and all the Bouncie features, you can quickly explain how it works, answer any questions, and overcome any objections. If it turns out that Bouncie is not a good fit for you and your teenager, Bouncie has a 45-Day Rewind policy that allows you to return the Bouncie device for a full refund.

How to Have "The Talk" with your Teenager about Bouncie

Now that you're familiar with Bouncie, it's time to have "the talk" about how and why you're going to use it to monitor their driving. Be transparent and up front in the beginning with the fact that you’re using Bouncie. Assure them that you will step back your monitoring as they prove that they are safe and responsible drivers. 

Establish your Trust in Them

The first thing you should explain to them is that you feel that they are truly responsible enough to handle the responsibility that comes with driving. Let them know that you’re looking forward to them driving and that you remember how it felt when you first got behind the wheel. 

Remind them that Driving is a Privilege

Driving is a privilege and it comes with responsibilities. Those responsibilities are not just about obeying traffic laws. Their driving affects passengers not only in their own vehicle, but it also affects other drivers, pedestrians, and the family as a whole. 

Reassure them that it’s about Safety and not Trust

Explain to them that if you didn’t trust them, you wouldn’t let them drive at all. Explain that this is about safety and reinforcing good driving habits. This is a critical time for reinforcing good driving habits. 

Show them that Bouncie is More than a Monitoring Device

Bouncie has an awesome set of features designed to let drivers take full advantage of having a connected vehicle. Ask your digitally savvy teen for input on how to better integrate the Bouncie device into your digital lifestyle through Amazon Alexa or IFTTT.

Give your Teenager a Voice by Asking for Their Input

When it comes to Bouncie alerts, such as hard braking or sudden acceleration, let them know that they will ALWAYS get the opportunity to explain their side of the story. Also, validate their concerns about being monitored. You don’t have to agree with them, but you should always listen and seriously consider what they are saying. When teenagers feel like they have a voice, they tend to be more likely to have open and honest discussions about their driving habits.

Consider using Bouncie for All Vehicles and All Drivers

When you’re not collaborating with your teenager, they may feel singled out and not trusted. Consider including Bouncie in all your vehicles to reinforce the idea that safe driving is a family concern and not just a teenager concern. 

For the most part, teenagers understand that they won't get unlimited freedom when they get their driver’s license. By partnering with them and showing them your intentions, they will learn that they can earn your trust by proving that they are being safe on a daily basis.

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